Vanessa Samain, Voorzitster
Linda Schweiger, Raadslid
Séverine Merckx, Raadslid
Frédéric Givron, Griffier
Frederic Verspeelt, Directeur van de Dienst Enquêtes
- Beëdiging van de heer Frederic Verspeelt (5 augustus 2024)
- Beëdiging van Mevrouw Madame Linda Schweiger (28 maart 2023).
- Conférence européenne des autorités de contrôle du renseignement (CNCTR/Vast Comité I) (Parijs, 6-7 december 2018)
- 9th International Intelligence Review Agencies Conference (IIRAC), (London, 7-10th July 2014)
- 8th International Intelligence Review Agencies Conference (IIRAC), (Ottawa, 26-30th May 2012)
- 7th Conference of the Parliamentary Committees for the Oversight of Intelligence and Security Services of the European Union Member States, Norway and Switzerland (Berlin, 27-28th October 2011)
- 6th Conference of the Committees for the oversight of intelligence services (Brussels, 30 September - 1 October 2010 : picture 1, picture 2, picture 3, picture 4
- 5th Conference of the Committees for the Oversight of Intelligence Services (Tallinn, Estonia, May 2009)
- 6th International intelligence Review Agencies Conference (Auckland, New Zealand, October 2008)
- 4th Conference of the Committees for the Oversight of Intelligence Services (Portugal, National Assemblee, June 2008)