The Standing Committee I is responsible for reviewing the activities and functioning of State Security and the General Intelligence and Security Service. In addition, it reviews the functioning of the Coordination Unit for Threat Assessment and its supporting services, as a rule together with the Standing Police Services Review Committee.
In principle, the review relates to the legitimacy (review of observance of the applicable laws and regulations), effectiveness (supervision of the efficiency of the intelligence services), and coordination (the mutual harmonization of the work of the services concerned).
With regard to the services that support the Coordination Unit for Threat Assessment, the review only relates to their obligation to pass on information on terrorism and extremism.
The Committee is also responsible for controlling the so-called common databases of terrorist fighters and hate propagandists, together with the Supervisory Body for Police Information Management (COC).
Finally, the Committee was appointed in 2018 as the Competent Supervisory Authority. In this capacity, it ensures compliance with the rules on the protection of privacy of many services and individuals who process data in the context of "national security".