The chairman and the two other members
The chairman and the two other members of the Standing Committee I are appointed by the Chamber of representatives for a renewable six-year term. As a rule, two substitute members are appointed for each of them. The Chairman must be a magistrate. He chairs the meetings of the Committee and deals with the day-to-day management of its activities.
The current chair of the Standing Committee I is Vanessa Samain, a magistrate. The two other members are Linda Schweiger, general advisor to the Ministry of Defense and Séverine Merckx, legal advisor.
Substitute members
Thierry Werts has been appointed as deputy chairman. Filip Vanneste has been appointed as Dutch-speaking substitute member.
Secretary and administrative staff
The Standing Committee I is assisted by a Secretary who is responsible for the secretarial work of the meetings of the Committee and for protecting the secrecy of the documentation and archives. He is accountable to the Standing Committee I and is also responsible for managing the administrative staff.
Frédéric Givron is the Secretary. He also makes up the registry of the Appeal body for security clearances, certificates and advice. There are 18 people in the administrative staff and they are responsible for supporting the Standing Committee I.
Investigation Service
The Standing Committee I can use its Investigation Service for its supervisory investigations. This department is thus the most visible component of the Standing Committee I in the field.
Besides, the Investigation Service can be put in charge of judicial assignments on the request of the judicial authorities. On its own initiative or an request of judicial authorities, it can investigate members of the reviewed services who are suspected of having committed a felony or misdemeanour.
The Investigation Service currently consists of 6 commissioner-auditors who all hold the capacity of judicial police officer, assistant public prosecutor.
Frederic Verspeelt was appointed Head of the Investigation Service and took office in August 2024